Start delivery business with no money and for free?

Starting a delivery business can be lucrative, but the initial investment can be a roadblock. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ll show you how to start a delivery business with zero initial capital. Yes, you heard that right, free! Read on to learn how.

Use Your Own Vehicle

Use your own vehicle and start a delivery business! It’s easy and efficient. Let your car or bike do the work and offer your services to friends, family, and the wider community. Boost your business with social media marketing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Join a Delivery Service

Joining a delivery service can help you kickstart your delivery business with no initial investment. Check out our guide on how to start a delivery business step by step to find out which delivery services you can partner with.

Use a Bicycle

Don’t have a car or bike? No problem! You can still launch a delivery business using a bicycle. Deliver small items, such as documents or food orders, to get started. Spread the word by promoting your services on social media or posting flyers in your community. Don’t let transportation hold you back from entrepreneurial success.

Partner with Local Businesses

Start a lucrative delivery business by partnering with local establishments such as restaurants and pharmacies. Offer them a reliable delivery service and charge a commission per delivery. Join the growing demand for fast and efficient delivery services in your community.

Use Public Transportation

No wheels? No problem! Kick-start your delivery business using public transportation. Advertise your services on social media or by distributing flyers in your community.

Use Your Feet

No vehicle? No problem! You can still kickstart a delivery business with just your feet. Start by delivering small items like documents and watch your business grow.


Starting a delivery business with no money is difficult but not impossible. You can start by using your own vehicle, walking or cycling. You can also offer your services to friends, family, and neighbors for a small fee. Additionally, you can leverage social media platforms to promote your business and attract potential customers.

One way to start a delivery business for free is by partnering with local businesses that need delivery services. You can offer to deliver their products for free in exchange for exposure and building your reputation. Another way is to leverage social media platforms to promote your services and attract potential customers.

Yes, having a business plan is essential when starting any business, including a delivery business. A business plan helps you define your business objectives, identify your target market, analyze your competition, and plan your finances. It is a roadmap that guides you towards success and helps you stay on track.

When setting prices for your delivery services, you need to consider factors such as the distance, type of goods being delivered, and delivery time. You can also research your competition and see what they are charging. Additionally, it is important to factor in your operating costs such as fuel, insurance, and maintenance.

To promote your delivery business, you can leverage social media platforms to reach potential customers. You can also offer discounts and promotions to your existing customers to encourage them to refer others. Additionally, you can partner with local businesses and offer them free or discounted delivery services in exchange for exposure and building your reputation.

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