How to start a laundromat: Ultimate guide

If you are looking for a business venture that requires minimal supervision, a laundromat may be a perfect fit for you. Owning and operating a laundromat can provide a steady stream of passive income while requiring relatively low maintenance. In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through the steps of starting a laundromat from scratch, including market research, location selection, equipment acquisition, marketing, and more.

Conduct Market Research

Before launching a business, take the time to uncover your target market. Investigate population size and age range in the area to determine if demand for your product or service exists. Analyze data on income levels as well; this can be an indicator of how much people are willing and able to pay. To get even more insight into what’s available locally, count up existing laundry services – this could reveal opportunities where competition is low!

Choose a Location

When dreaming up the perfect place to start your laundromat, foot traffic is key. Choose a location with plenty of people passing by and minimal competition for greater success. Don’t forget about parking accessibility or nearby public transportation – both will be important factors in attracting customers! Also make sure you can afford rent or purchase costs so that starting your business doesn’t break the bank.

Acquire Equipment

Investing wisely in the right equipment is essential for your laundromat’s success. Choose reliable brands renowned for delivering durability and user-friendly features – including a selection of washers and dryers to meet different family sizes’ laundry needs. You can check our article on the best way to start and get into laundromat to get more insight.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

To attract and keep the customers you want, having a well-thought out marketing plan is essential. Leverage both traditional techniques like signage, flyers and local ads along with digital methods such as social media for maximum impact. Offer attractive discounts that will be sure to draw new shoppers in while also incentivizing customer loyalty so your regulars stick around! You can read our article on how to advertise laundromat to get more insights on this topic.

Hire Staff

When considering staff for your laundromat, always aim to hire dependable and reliable people with a strong background in customer service and financial management. Skipping this step is an option if you plan on operating the business solo.

Manage Operations

To ensure successful laundromat operations, maintain a clean and organized space for your clients to enjoy. Equip yourself with quality customer service so that customers can count on you when they need assistance. Monitor the machinery regularly to guarantee all equipment is running smoothly! You can read our article on how to successfully run a laundromat for more tips.

Offer Additional Services

Revamp your laundromat! Increase revenue by expanding the possibilities — add a convenient drop-off and pick-up service for laundry and dry cleaning, set up vending machines with snacks or coffee delights to tantalize customers’ taste buds, then sit back as extra income streams in.

Starting a laundromat can be an incredibly rewarding business if you have the right know-how. Market research is key, as well as choosing the perfect spot and investing in equipment of good quality. Developing effective marketing tactics to reach customers will set your shop apart from its competitors while maintaining efficient operations with reliable staff ensures sustained success for years ahead!


Get ready to create the ultimate laundromat experience! High-quality machines, laundry carts and folding tables will be essential. To make your store even more attractive for customers, consider augmenting it with vending machines, change machine amenities and soap dispensers–making usual washing duties a painless process.

Setting up a laundromat can be an expensive endeavor; however, the potential for success is high. On average, you’ll need to spend between $200k and half-a-million dollars in order to get everything rolling: from securing business premises through leasing or buying property, purchasing equipment and managing other startup costs. With all that cash invested there’s great opportunity awaiting!

Start your search for the perfect spot by seeking out high-density areas with little to no competition. Look into leveraging a local real estate agent experienced in commercial properties as an asset; they can help guide you towards what could be the ideal place for your laundromat. Don’t forget, convenience and access are key – make sure that wherever you set up shop features easy parking or public transport options nearby!

To get your laundromat rolling, it’s time to combine some of the old with the new – we’re talking traditional and digital marketing! Think flyers, local ads, social media posts, online directories. Plus promotions and discounts are always sure-fire ways to attract more customers and reward their loyalty for sticking around.

To get your laundromat rolling, it’s time to combine some of the old with the new – we’re talking traditional and digital marketing! Think flyers, local ads, social media posts, online directories. Plus promotions and discounts are always sure-fire ways to attract more customers and reward their loyalty for sticking around.

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