Range Rover Creative Advert

The Range Rover advertisement plays on the concept of freedom and escape. It contrasts the typical frustration of being stuck in traffic, which is a common pain point for many, with taking your own path, unbound by the constraints.


Why it works (marketing framework)

Visual Contrast

The visual is striking, showing a bird’s-eye view of the traffic avoided by the Range Rover driving alone in open space. The bold use of color contrasts the grey of the traffic with the sand’s vastness and the red of the Range Rover, drawing the eye directly to it.


The ad is certainly innovative and unexpected. Untraditional way to promote car brands and therefore it surprises and draws attention.


Clear emotional resonance with the audience. It tells a story of escape and freedom without needing a traditional beginning, middle, and end.

“Can you spot the Range Rover in this picture?”

The claim serves as an engaging challenge to the viewer, drawing them into the advertisement. It’s almost like a game.

I reimagined this ad with AI